For those of you who have been asking, we have finally booked all the components for our trip to Europe this summer. You know who you are! So get your pencils and calendars ready cause here comes our info. Ethan, Rueben and I are driving down to Vancouver and expect to be there by the 9th of August, in time for my friends wedding. Note to Sylvia, I'm gonna need a babysitter. Andrew is flying to Vancouver on the afternoon of August18th and then we all fly out of Vancouver to Amsterdam on the afternoon of the 19th.
We arrive in Amsterdam on the 20th and spend one night there, waking early the next morning to board a train to Geneva, via Paris. My cousins live in a town called Annemasse, just across the Swiss border from Geneva so they will pick us up from the train station and we will spend a week and a half with them. I'm really excited to see them all again. I have a whole slew of second cousins who have been born since I last saw the fam. On September 1st, we pick up our motor home and bid adieu to France and say Ciao! to Italy.

This is the fancy dancy motorhome that we have rented. We plan to hit all the big touristy things... ie. Vatican city, sistine Chapel, Michealangelo's David, Pompeii, Davinci's the last supper, the Amalfi coast... and for Andrew, the lamborghini factory and museum.

We drop the camper back in France on the 11th of September and then spend 4 days in lovely Paris.

We arrive back in Vancouver on the 14th of September, and I suspect we'll stay in the lower mainland for a few days to take care of some businessy things. If you have any questions, just shoot me an email. I'm really very excited about this trip. I've never been to Italy before and cannot wait to see all the art and history there. I'm looking forward to Paris too.
A bientot!
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