Saturday, April 10, 2010

"I'm too much hungry, that's why I want a small pampake"

Saturday morning, and we're making pancakes. It's 11:30 and Rueben just woke up. That kid sure loves his sleep. Ethan has been busy mixing pancake batter with Andrew.

kate: Ethan, can you say pancakes?
Ethan: Pampakes. pam... pampakes.
kate: can you say regular?
Ethan: regaleger.

When Ethan was younger and expanding his vocabulary, Andrew suggested we make a list of all his misspronounced words. It all started with the word helicopter, or as Ethan used to say, Amodacher. Living room used to be rubaben, but I noticed the other day he actually said livingroom as if that's how he has been saying since day 1. Funny how fast your kids grow up and you don't really notice it until you turn and look back on how far they've come.

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