Saturday, September 11, 2010

UPDATED! Fall List

Yes, I'm aware that I have already made a Master List of Goals for 2010. This is a more whimsical list, following the lead of Aimee from one of my favorite blogs,, I've decided to create a 'must-do' list for fall 2010. So without further ado, and not much thought (sort of adds to the whimsy, no?), here is my list.

{DONE} 1. Go to a pumpkin patch with the boys to select a Halloween pumpkin

{DONE} 2. Get lost in a corn maze. I can't believe I'm 30 and have never been inside a corn maze!

{DONE} 3. Make and can some apple butter... cause the peach butter I made is off the chain

4. Loose another 10 pounds. This I give myself until Christmas, where I will probably write on my 2011 list 'loose those 10 pounds again.

{DONE} 5. Scrapbook at least one page. I mean, really, you think I could accomplish that, right? We'll see.

6. Finish the Christmas quilt I started 2 years ago.

7. Throw a dinner party. You know, a real grown up type party, with cocktails and whatnot.

{DONE} 8. Plant some winter veggies in some pots on the deck and see how they grow.

9. Take the boys for a walk in the rain and (gasp) let them get muddy. (oh, the horror. I can just see it now...)

10. Take more photographs. Really learn how to use my camera and maximize its potential.

So, we'll see how I do with these 10 items. What's on your list this fall?

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