Well, I can't believe it, but my monkey turned four today. Our day started with breakfast and singing 'happy birthday to you', then we played with cars and trucks and trains and blocks and wooden puzzle cars with a short lunch break sandwiched in between (get it?... sandwich). Then Ethan rode his bike outside for a bit, followed by his very first hip hop class. Rueben and I got to watch his class which is comprised of 4 and 5 year old boys and girls. So cute to watch. He has a great teacher too who has her work cut out for her (if I do say so myself... she is very brave)! Then for his birthday dinner, Ethan decided we were going to have chicken from KFC. The last time I had KFC was during my pregnancy with Rueben where I craved it daily. Lucky for me, I felt like crap soon after tonight's dinner which is yet another indication that my body is getting used to 'the healthier lifestyle'. We capped off the night with our normal bedtime routine. I guess in the grand scheme of things, it's just another day, but it's hard to believe that it was four years ago that my life took on a whole new meaning and assumed responsibility for another life.
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